
Este dibujo esta basado en un boceto que hice hace un par de meses, aunque fue hasta el día de ayer decidí retomarlo, le agregué unos pequeños detalles y definí un poco más el trazo.

La chica es Charmcaster, uno de los villanos más carismáticos y sin duda con más seguidores de la serie Ben 10. Su poder se basa en hechizos, aunque en esta ocasión algo parece no haber salido del todo bien.

This drawing is based on a sketch I did a couple of months, but was only yesterday I decided resume it, I added a few details and I defined a little more the lineart.

The girl is Charmcaster, one of the most charismatic villains and with more fans of the series Ben 10. His power is based in spells, but this time something seems to have gone very bad.


  1. man, I say I'm impressed , I really like to know how would charmcaster in your style of drawing. and now I can finally see :) .

    I really liked the type/model of face of charmcaster in this pic, was very nice/cool (better than I thought). Her facial expression is quite sexy/good although its not colored. I also liked that you have done a good job in the curves of her body ^^ (the charmcaster appears to have a wonderful body, I deeply I liked her beautiful legs and her nice/sexy ass :D ).
    just a single suggestion that I would mention: and if possible in the final image, increase the size of her silver hair (surely the best detail for me, after her boobs of course ^^).

    this is surely the best picture I see in this month. is almost a coincidence because I send a note on deviantart to you, where I thought about doing a commissioned with the charmcaster with you. now I'm sure if I have the money necessary, I will do a commissioned about charmcaster my friend :).

    surely she is a very interesting character with a model/appearance beautiful and well thought out (and wiht a interesting/sexy personality). I'm excited to see this finished/colored image and more pic about her made for you.

    good job my friend, as always!

  2. Wow ... simplemente wow. Esta es la mejor foto que he visto de ti HvonD. patrack más o menos lo decía todo para mí. Sólo espero que lo del color ya que puede parecer realmente grandes!

  3. Thank you very much patrick_22, Your note to ask about the commission reminded me that I had this picture in my earrings so I decided work a little more in the details to post.

    I will take into account the suggestion about the hair, thanks.

  4. Thank you very much digiharrisom, I will try to do a good job with colors.

  5. Te salió genial, ya solo resta ver como quedará la versión a color...

  6. Muchas gracias Tiquitoc, ya pronto me pondré a trabajar en ella.

  7. Very impressive work on Charmcaster, sir. You have an excellent handle on this character. She looks fantastic!


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