Invaders previo pag 1 y 3

Algunos de los que han visitado mi galería en Hentai Foundry seguramente recordarán algunas páginas que subí de un proyecto al que llamé "Invaders". Se trataba básicamente de un ejercicio y fue mi primer intento de narrar algo dentro del género erótico.

La verdad es que a pesar de todos los errores y mi inexperiencia las páginas fueron bastante bien recibidas (más de lo que me hubiera imaginado) y  muchos me han estado preguntado cuando es que voy continuar con el resto. Pues bien después de todo este tiempo he empezado a trabajar de nuevo en este proyecto, decidí empezar de cero y utilizar lo poco que ya había dibujado sólo como referencia. Ya tengo definida la historia y ya inicié el dibujo de las primeras páginas, es precisamente de estas primeras páginas que sale los dibujo que le presento el día de hoy, espero les guste.
Some of the visitors of my gallery on Hentai Foundry maybe can remember some pages from a project I called "Invaders". It was basically an exercise and it was my first attempt to narrate something in the erotic genre.

The truth is that despite all the mistakes and my inexperience, the pages were very well received (more than I had imagined), and many people asking me when I go to continue with the rest. Well after all this time I started to work again in this project, I decided to start from scratch and use the previous work like reference only.I have already defined the script and I started drawing the first pages, precisely is from these first pages that comes out on the preview which I presented today, I hope you like it. (Sorry for my bad english).


  1. wonderful news indeed!!!

    will be amazing see this project totally renovated with your new and more accurate/ more developed style of drawing/coloring.

    by your small sample, it is already visible changes that you will do (mainly in the body of that girl, she looks amazing, with a nice and sexy/curvy ass! ;D). certainly had been incredible.

    this news made me very excited and hope that you can finish it successfully.

    and sorry for my bad English too sir. :D

  2. Thank you very much patrick_22
    I'll try to do a good job with this comic. :D


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