Problematic omnitrix - preview

Les presento un par de dibujos que hice el día de hoy, son una secuencia con algo de dialogo aunque de momento dejé fuera el texto, ya tendrán oportunidad de leerlo en la versión final.
Los dibujos aún se encuentran en una etapa muy preliminar y no tienen la calidad suficiente para publicarlo en Hentai-Foundry, sin embargo tampoco me atrevo a publicarlos íntegramente aquí en el blog por son un poco más explícitos que el material que suelo publicar. Espero que les baste por lo pronto con este pequeño. (Y si, la chica es Gwen).

These are a couple of drawings I did today, I really liked but no to post on the blog because they are quite explicit, maybe I'll post this pics in hentai-foundry when I finish cleaning the lineart.  

The drawings are part of a sequence with dialogue and everything but I decided not to include for the moment, You can read it in the final version  for now I leave a small preview (And yes, she is Gwen).


  1. wow, this is really somethig that I dont expected and is somethin news in terms, if a new gwen fanart is good a double pic/sequence will be even more amazing.

    see some kind of action with gwen will be great. a great detail that I already can say is the beatyfull face model/expression of gwen(looks amazing and sexy ;D; this model is good to any kind of situation/gwen age´s, mature or not), trully unique detail from your style that I like alot.

    obviously I can count on you to see colors and textures realemnte sensational. I hope you do a great job.

    p.s¹: in the case, you will also show small previews here at sketchlog when color images are ready. or just the image "full" in HF?

    p.s²: talking about sketch´s, do you have some news or future ideas to return to your "summer" pic projetec? would be great see the gwen pic fully colored(that pic can be more sexy and amazing than many other hentai/echhi pic´s :D ).

  2. Thank you very much patrick tisinrei. Originally I don't planned to do a double drawing, thats was something I thought at the moment of draw.

    I'll try to upload some progress here on the blog before publishing the final version in HF.

    Yes, At one time or another I will continue with the series "Hot Summer" :D


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